Wednesday, May 18, 2016


I have been a pit bull advocate for five years.  My advocacy is small and has a fairly short list of activities we sponsor or participate in on a monthly and an annual basis.  We do what we can when we can that usually involves, but is not limited to, monthly bully walks, a pit bull education booth at local events, networking for dogs that need out of a shelter or to be re-homed and public education in school classroom’s and groups.  I/we have always wanted to do much more but due to being so small and being limited on how much time and effort we can put into projects we have kept pretty much to the ‘short list’ with an eye to the future when we can grow and do more. 

Last year, near the end of the year, I had a personal setback in that someone who I had a great deal of respect for and was beginning a new and very exciting project with decided that they no longer wished to associate with me because of a few differences of opinion.  I was devastated emotionally by this no matter how much I tried and tried and tried not to care.  To be certain I had completely and totally lost any motivation or desire to continue being a pit bull advocate.  Intellectually I knew it was ridiculous to allow one person’s rejection of me as a whole based on my opinion on a few issues but in my heart of hearts affect me so deeply that I was done…I really had lost all interest in the pit bull advocating thing and was seriously considering handing the advocacy over to the other members so I could get on with my life.  My heart was just no longer in it and for the last six months I’ve been going through the motions only because I felt I had made a commitment to be a pit bull advocate and had to keep that commitment no matter what.  If nothing else I am NOT a quitter so I kept on doing what I needed to do but without any real enthusiasm or even a true desire to do this pit bull advocate thing.

Just when I was still considering if I wanted to be a pit bull advocate anymore completely unexpected I found a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to this ‘pit bull advocate gig’ and found it in the most unexpected place…a book.  To be more specific a book about the Michael Vick dogs, The Lost Dogs by Jim Gorant, that today most of which have moved onward and upward to being certified Canine Good Citizens and for many of them therapy dogs that serve the community. 

I can’t put my finger on what exactly in the book has brought me this renewed sense of purpose or has relit my passion but most likely it was the FACT that a majority of the dogs taken from the Vick dog fighting operation had once been considered by the public as the worst of the worst and even highly respected organizations had recommended arbitrary euthanasia for every dog found at Bad Newz Kennels that day.  These dogs are living proof of the ‘true spirit’ of pit bull type dogs and I will be damned if I will allow someone else’s inability to work with someone who has differing views on a few issues hold me back from advocating for these dogs.  These dogs that were born into a hell created by humans, who were asked to go against their very instincts as a dog and who were nearly to the last dog rehabilitated to become therapy dogs and family dogs that lived in harmony with humans and animals alike have become my new inspiration.  If these dogs can move passed the past and can embrace healing in the way that they have then I most certainly can let it go and find a renewed passion and commitment to advocating for pit bulls and for the people who have them.

Everything happens for a reason they say, and I believe, so I can’t help but think that The Universe allowed me this brief downside to being a pit bull advocate so I could come back with a brand new sense of purpose and commitment to the cause that I had once felt so passionate about.

Thank you Universe for helping me see the way.

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